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Knitting (Pixie's Pointers)
Dates: Thursday, November 14, 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. Tuition: $15 Instructor: Pixie Benoist

This is a seminar during which Pixie will share with you the many tips, tricks and techniques that she has learned over the more than 40 years she has been knitting. These tips were learned from the many nationally known knitters she hired to teach at WEBS, local knitting teachers, reference books, personal experience, and from the great variety of problems she helped resolve for the many knitters who came to her drop-in at WEBS for 7 years. You may know some of these tips, but you may be surprised at what you will learn - even if you are an experienced knitter! Demonstrations of any technique discussed will be available at no charge to participants at mutually agreeable times after the seminar. A handout will be given to all participants.  

83 Pine Street Florence, MA 01062      (413) 584-1725